For over a decade Jeremy Brett played the master sleuth of Baker Street in thirty-six episodes and five feature-length films. The Granada Television Sherlock Holmes series sold to over eighty countries worldwide and many people the world over regarded Jeremyユs interpretation as the most profound and brilliant portrayal in the history of television. Despite over a hundred actors having played Sherlock Holmes, Jeremy will always be remembered as The Definitive Sherlock Holmes. Yet little is known of the man prior to his outstanding success. This book puts the record straight with a short biography, career listing, letters from admirers, cast list of every Sherlock Holmes episode, and 100 photos covering Jeremyユs career from drama school to his triumph as Sherlock Holmes.
Publication Date: May 1st 2001.
Illustrated with 100 photographs.
ISBN 0 9540396 0 2
Soft Cover. Size 10 X 8. 120pp. £15
(Price varies in the USA. Check with stockist for correct price.)